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Clinical Psychology Associates of North Central Florida    CPANCF.COM




       Providing Quality Psychological Assessment, Consultation and Psychotherapy to the North Central Florida Community


2121 NW 40th Terr. Ste. B                                                                                        3002 SE 1st Ave., Bldg. 300


Gainesville , FL 32605                                                                                                Ocala , FL 34471


(352) 336-2888






                        Name:                         Ernest John Bordini, Ph.D.


                        Place of Birth:            Boston, MA


                        License:                      Florida Licensed Psychologist (May, 1989)




Present Positions




                        6/89-               President and Executive Director,


                                                Ernest J. Bordini , Ph.D. and Associates, P.A.


d/b/a Clinical Psychology Associates of North Central Florida (CPANCF.COM).


                                                Neuropsychological, Psychological, and Forensic Evaluation


                                                Supervision of Staff Psychologists


                                                Supervision of Psychology Residents and Assistants




                        1999-               City of Gainesville EAP, Lead Provider


                        1989-               Courtesy Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of


2002                Psychiatry, at the University of Florida College of Medicine,


2008-               Gainesville, FL


                        6/2011             Presentations, Dissertation Committee Member, Seminars for UF Forensic Psychiatry Fellows



2007-               Owner/Editor Neuropsychology Central.Com and other websites




Education       1988   Ph.D.    University of Florida , Gainesville , FL


                                                Major Area:   Clinical Psychology


                                                Minor Area:   Neuropsychology


Dissertation:  Bordini, E. J. (1988).  Prediction of incidents in a


 forensic psychiatric facility using demographic and psychological


 test variables & identification of naturally occurring subgroups of


forensic inpatients using cluster analysis of Minnesota Multiphasic


Personality Inventory (MMPI) profiles. 


University of Florida , Gainesville .




                        1983   M.A.     University of Florida , Gainesville , Florida


                                                Major Area:  Clinical Psychology


Thesis:  Bordini, E. J. (1983).  Alcohol consumption as a self-handicapping strategy in women.  Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Florida , Gainesville .




                        1979    B.A.     Boston College , Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts   Major: Psychology


Scholar of the College


                                                Thesis:  Bordini, E. J. (1979).  Social acceptance, social rejection,


and self-sabotage in success bearers.  Unpublished undergraduate thesis, Boston College , Boston , Massachusetts .



Awards, Certification, and Honors



2008     Distinguished Service Award in appreciation for dedication and service to the FPA


 Board of Directors, Florida Psychological Association


2003    NAADAC Certification as Department Of Transportation


            Substance Abuse Professionals #11564


2003    Distinguished Service Award in Recognition for Work and Contributions to Psychology


            Awarded by the North Central Florida Chapter of the Florida Psychological Association


2000    Distinguished Psychologist - Florida Psychological Association


1996-  Certificate of Proficiency in Treatment of Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Use Disorders,


2008    by the Board Governors of the American Psychological Association College of Professional Psychology


1996    Certified Florida Worker’s Compensation


1995    Florida Psychological Association Early Career Contributions to FPA


1984    Molly Harrower Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Clinical Psychology, University of Florida


1984    Award for Psychological Testing Expertise in Collaboration with North Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center Contract, University of Florida


1979    Scholar of the College, Boston College


1979    B. A. Magna cum Laude, Boston College



Allied Medical Staff and Affiliations



            North Florida Regional Medical Center , Gainesville , Florida 1990 – present


Ocala Regional Medical Center/West Marion Community Hospital, Allied Health Professional Staff 2008 - present


            North Florida PHO, Member (PHO was eventually disbanded)


            Charter Springs Hospital , Ocala , Florida , 1989 - 2000


Grant Center Hospital of North Central Florida, Citra , Florida 1988 - 1992


Medical Associate as Psychologist for Department of Psychiatry, Alachua General Hospital,  Gainesville, Florida,  Dec. 93 - Oct. 1997


Medical Associate to the Allied Health Staff as Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry Shands at AGH, Oct. 1997 - 2009



Previous Experience / Positions



2001    Fee Basis Educational Consultant N. FL/S. GA Veterans Health System



5/86-   Case Manager and Psychology Resident, Behavioral Health Associates


5/89     and Allied Medical Staff, Grant Center Hospital



9/85-   Clinical Psychology Intern, Psychology Service


9/86     Veterans Administration Medical Center Gainesville , Florida


           Rotations:       Neurology


                                    Forensic Psychology


                                    Alcohol and Drug Dependence Unit


                                    Mental Hygiene Clinic


                                    Inpatient Psychiatry



6/82-  Psychology Assistant, University of Florida


9/85     Psychological and neuropsychological evaluation of forensic patients at North Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center , Gainesville , Florida




6/80-  Practicum Student: Adult, child, neuropsychology, medical psychology, alcohol and drug


9/85     Dept. Of Clinical and Health Psychology, University of Florida



6/79-    Research Assistant, Dept. of Clinical and Health Psychology, University of Florida





Professional Memberships and Affiliations



            International Neuropsychological Society, Member


            National Academy of Neuropsychology , Member


            American College of Forensic Psychology, Member


            American Psychological Association, Member


            Florida Psychological Association, Member


            National Register of Health Care Service Providers in Psychology, Certified



Insurance Committee Co-Chair Florida Psychological Association, 2006 - 2008


Chairman, Distinguished Psychologist Selection Committee, Florida Psychological Association, 2005


Member, City of Gainesville Violence Avoidance Task Force , 2005- present


Point Person Workers Compensation and Key Psychologist Florida Psychological Association 2003-2004


            Chapter Representative, Florida Psychological Association Board of Directors (1993-99)


            Secretary, Florida Psychological Association Neuropsychology Interest Division (1999)


            Past-President, Florida Psychological Association Neuropsychology Interest Division


            President, Florida Psychological Association Neuropsychology Interest Division (1995-    1997)


            Insurance and Practice Chair, Florida Psychological Association (1993-1996)


            President, North Central Florida Chapter, Florida Psychological Association (1992)







            Bordini, E. J. & Phalin, B. R. Review of: Handbook of Forensic Neuropsychology 2.0, the next generation. (2011) Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 33(3), 382-384.



            Bordini, E. J., Chaknis, M. M., Ekman-Turner, R. M., & Perma, R. B.  (2002)  Advances and issues in the diagnostic differential of malingering versus brain injury. 


           NeuroRehabiliation, 93-104.



Perna, R. B., Bordini, E. J., Newman, S. A.  (2001)  Pharmacological Treatments: Considerations in Brain Injury.  The Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation, 19(1), 4-7.



            Perna, R. B., Bordini, E. J., Boozer, R. H.  (2001)  Mini-Mental Status Exam: Concurrent Validity with the Rey Complex Figure Test in a Geriatric Population with


            Depression.  The Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation, 19(1), 4-7, 24-29.              



Perna, R. B., Bordini, E. J. and Deinzer-Lifrak, M.  (2001)  A case of claimed persistent neuropsychological sequela formaldehyde exposure: Clinical, psychometric, and functional findings.  Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology , 16(1), 33-44.



Perna, R. B., Boozer, R., and Bordini, E. J.  (1999)  Cognitive screening and memory functioning: Does the Dementia Rating Scale impaired Wechsler Memory Scale-R Performance?  Journal of Rehabilitation Outcome Measures, 3(1), 32-38.




Bordini, E. J.  (1993-1998)  Insurance Matters, Neuropsychology Interest Div. and Column Contributor, Florida Psychologist.



Bordini, E. J., Tucker, J. A., Vuchinich, R. E., and Rudd, J.  (1986)  Alcohol consumption as a self-handicapping strategy in women.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 95(4), 346-349.



Tucker, J. A., Vuchinich, R. E., Bordini, E. J., and Sullwold, A. F.  (1982)  The generality of the stimiulus-binding hypothesis across drinking behavior and task performance in alcoholics.  Addictive Behaviors, 7(3), 303-306.




Vuchinich, R. E., Bordini, E. J., Tucker, J. A., and Sullwold, A. F.  (1982)  A comparison of alcoholics and non-alcoholics attributions for drinking behavior.  American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 9(1), 95-104.



Vuchinich, R. E., Tucker, J. A., Bordini, E. J., and Sullwold, A. F.  (1981)  Attributions of causality for drinking made by alcoholics and normal drinkers.  Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 8(3), 201-206.



Editor-in-Chief/owner NeuropsychologyCentral.Com



Unpublished Manuscript:



            Radonovich, K., Fennell, E., &  Bordini, E. J.  Gender differences on executive function tasks in children with ADHD.



Test Development:




Silver, Kolitz-Russell, Bordini & Fairbanks Children’s Executive Function Scale (CEFS), 


            unpublished rating scale, 1993.



Community Service/ Personal



            Member, Santa Fe Community College Child Development Advisory Committee (1996-   present)


            Bronze Sponsor, Florida Sheriff’s Association (2002-2008)


            Sponsor, Care package to 82nd Airborne Division (March 2003)


            Bronze Sponsor, N. C. FL Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk (2001-2004)


            Chapter Coordinator, Alachua Chapter Children and Adults with Attention Deficit     Disorder (1999-2003)


Treasurer, Alachua Chapter Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (1991 -  1999)


Member, HRS District 3A Services Assessment Team (1990-1992)


            Volunteer, McLean Hospital , Belmont , Massachusetts (1977-1979)


Life Member Florida Alumni Association


            Life Member Gainesville Target Range Inc


            Life Member, National Rifle Association


Certified National Rifle Association Instructor (Pistol) 2006 -


            Owner Gator Tactical, LLC 2007-                                                                 






 Rev:  7/21/2011


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Gainesville Office: 2121 NW 40th Terr. Ste B. Gainesville, FL 32605  -   Phone: (352) 336-2888  -   Fax: (352) 371-1730
Ocala Office: 108 N. Magnolia, Suite 309, Ocala, FL 33475  -   Phone: (352) 629-1100   Email Us  Terms of Service  Privacy Policy